Monday, June 30, 2008

Lying In Wait...

I'm a PGY-2 in psych. Tomorrow I start my PGY-3 year in a program that doesn't care whether or not we live or die, just so long as the patients get seen.

I've been perplexed, disappointed, angry and now I'm just waiting. Waiting for the end of my fourth year. Waiting until I can get out of this menagerie that is my residency.

I figured this was as good a time as any to spew forth whatever random emotional build-up I have within. Especially given that I don't have anywhere else to pour it out into. I don't even know how often I'll be updating this bad boy or what I'll be saying. I'm reaching out...

Hopefully this will help my emotions. I'm not sure. In fact I'm not sure what I want. If I want people to read this blog and to comment and to help me through my journey or if I just need an outlet.

They say this generation isn't into privacy. Maybe we've discovered that privately stewing over unfairness is deadly. Maybe we've discovered that the only way to deal w/ life is to LIVE OUT I'm living out loud in the anonymity of blogosphere.

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