Monday, February 22, 2010

this blog was meant for me to pour out my unhappiness w/ being a slave -- aka a resident. it's been over a year since i posted anything. how horrible.

i've been posting to other blogs. i guess after all the living of it, i'm tired of the writing it.

so now i'm in my pgy-4 yr. almost done. graduate in june.

i'm studying for my final exam to get my medical licensure. i am not happy about another exam.

my program has lost more attendings than the proverbial rats fleeing a sinking ship. programs in general are on probation. the hospital is about to explode.

and i'm taking a mental health day in order to not deal. i just want to stop. get off this merry-go-round.

it's raining in paradise today. it's been a cool winter for us, surprisingly.

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